Friday, February 27, 2009


Genki na!!! I am sooo much better, I guess sleeping for 18 hours is a wonderful thing to do. Im sitting in genetics right now and I didnt really want to pay attention. I stayed up all night and got up and ready around 6am, and was in class by 8...I think im going to treat myself to Yogurt World after this. TGIF

Exceeeept...this weekend everyone is going home so Im going to be sitting in my apartment all by myself -_-, its so lonesome here, but then again I guess I can spend my time in the piano rooms for once, play some wii, study for a midterm, clean the apartment, etc..but I miss people! Haha. I cant wait to go home in about 20 days. I need to meet up with some friends and do something.

Well, Ill be updating later, theres this new "sculpture" outside of this classroom that I want to take a picture of and get up. Its something most everyone enjoys..


UPDATE: I came home from class, passed out for a few hours, then got up because I had to take a roommate to the train station. We ended up going out and eating pho and yogurt world before she left. Too bad it was probably the worst pho I have ever had. Not bad or anything, but just really not good. Must not put msg in it or something, but it was really disappointing.

Im in for a long night of nothing..I really want to go out and do something, but everyone is out of town. No one is home in my apt, and the other people are just too, b*$%hy to do anything with. This "sculpture" appeared out in front of my genetics class, I wonder why..but its cool though, haha. Oh, and there was some artsist (?) or something here because these signs where everywhere for about 150ft near the center of campus.

Atode (Later)

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"Yoshi" (YOshh, not mispronounced like yoSHE like the cool guy in Mario) which both mean: OK!/All Right!/Let's Go!!

Take the ribbon from your hair, shake it loose and let it fall,
Layin soft upon my skin. like the shadows on the wall.
--Kris Kristofferson

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I just woke up.

In fact, yesterday I slept 10am-8pm (I had to get up for American Idol!) and then 12:something am-4pm now. Im so tired, and my throat hurts soo bad. Instead of having a temperature Im having a hard time getting my temperature above 96.1-97.3. Ive only eaten twice in the past two days. Im soo hungry but I cant even think of eating anything. Im making the last of my soup right now, maybe since its hot I will be able to get it down. Id probably still be sleeping if my mom hadnt called me to check up on me. Gahd I hate being sick..this is what I was trying to avoid..

I had crazy dreams..the one I remember involved me somehow getting in this big dance, and I was like mexican dancing (kinda like in Zorro, if you can remember that old movie), and me and some guy are dancing, so are another couple, and then these little girls get in the circle and are dancing...I start dancing with them, and then one girl trips, and says "Oh no mommy, mud!" (apparently Im a mom now?? Thats a first)..and I pick her up..but somehow now shes a dog?? and I look at her paw and its all I go to take her into some place to get better, and I go back home (this dance thing was all happening in backyard of the childhood home I grew up in). Theres a man in the back yard with a shovel, digging around a womans body half decomposed in the earth. Apparently thats what the girl tripped over. And I look around, and I can see the back/ribs/spine of about 5 or 6 other was just really gross, really dark, and super creepy..he said, "At least no one found out that the preacher is killing people and burying them here." *evil grin*..and I was like uuh...and just kinda terrified, the man looked insane, but then my mom called, I woke up, and forgot a lot of what happened...

Anyways, im trying to "feel better" like everyones telling me to, until later


"Nandemonai" Nothing


"A woman had 2 chickens. One got sick, so the woman made chicken soup out of the other one to help the sick one get well." --Henny Youngman

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I always thought that if the great Zombie Apocalypse came about I would be one of those entertaining and moving characters that just wouldnt die. But, as all things go, I guess I was wrong.

Last night I went to sleep at 9.30pm and woke up at about 1am to finish the genetics hw. And to my lovely surprise I have sorest neck, pressure pained ears, and cant even swallow. Whoo hoo.

I made myself some dumplings, rice, and good ole sicky chicken noodle soup. Gotta love lipton's red box soup, its the holy grail when you feel like youll never take a normal breath of air again.


After I made myself food and cleaned up all the pots and pans (both of which no sick person is supposed to do for themselves). I went back to my room, ate and got workin on the hw (mapping gene distances on chromosomes and frequencies of gametes with certain levels of interference) and MAN is she freikin tricky. I did and redid the first problem about 4 different ways by the time I was done and all of them made sense in certain ways, based upon assumptions she wants us to make on our own. So I picked one answer and copied on nice paper with the finished second problem. And then it's time to get ready for class. I went, turned in the hw, sat in class for clicker participation, went home, and happily plopped in bed.



"Byouki no hi" Sick Day.


"So have you realized it yet? What's that Mom? Oh, that youre going to become the next big author. Huh? I know. Its going to be great." --Mom

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Boy has it been a long day. I never went to bed last night. By the time I was really ready to, it was already 6am. I knew if I wanted to not sleep through my midterm Id have to stay up, so I hopped in the shower for a nice revitalization and got dressed for the day.

I left my apt around 10 after making breakfast and cleaning a bit, and took my bike uphill across campus for a little over a mile. I was so tired from the lack of sleep it was embarrassing. I then picked up my ochem midterm, and didn’t do as well as I felt, leading me to not want to cram anymore for my computer midterm. I kinda just sat out on top of one of the buildings, trying to soak up some uv rays. Apparently sunlight is supposed to make you happier, fight depression, and the like. When I was sitting up there I saw tour groups walking around campus. It really was such a nice day to check out the school; sunny and semi-cool. It made me think back to when I was the person in the tour group, and then I thought of everything I have done since then, making me wish I could go back and change a lot of things. That really wasn’t what I wanted to be thinking about, regrets and the like never are fun and don’t make you feel good. I saw parents with their kids and I really missed my family at home. I wish I could talk to them about how I feel right now at school; but what with everything going on anymore it just never feels like the time or that it’s appropriate, or that they either would over react or not care--I’d rather just not.

So sitting on top of the building I remembered that I was near where I lived the previous year, where they have piano rooms that require a key, making them waay better quality then the ones close to my apartment. I felt the urge to screw thinking about school, and just go play some piano. I go and get a key, and walk into my small dark room with just a piano. I sit down and everything I played just sucked. I wasn’t in any mood to be good, my fingers wouldn’t move right. I didn’t have the feeling. So then I start just making gibberish, playing all the things im feeling--sadness, loneliness, exclusion, exertion. It came out to be a very lovely tune; very me, very now. I kept the basic melody and tried to perfect it with what I was feeling and the music in my head, getting it right on the keys. Over and over, so as not to forget. And then I remember, I have my camera. I pull it out and recorded the basic three part melody I could get in in the time. It’s not much, but it’s the beginning. I’m planning on perfecting this song. It would be my real 'first' composition. I have some little ditties and the like that my mom loves, her favorite, "flowers and lace". I swear I made that one when I was like 11, but she always insists, "Play it Manda. The flowers one-" And she'll start dancing, singing "Flowers, flowers, flowers and lace. What I will wear on my wed-ding day. Flowers, flowers, flowers and lace. Oh what a glo-ri-ous daay. More Manda! Mooore" hmm...

But anyways after an hour on the piano (which seemed like a mere 15 mins), I left and walked over to where my midterm would be. I sat outside, called my parents, talked about how my dad needs to "see some a's" and how I’ll be paying for tuition. It wasn’t really a fun conversation, but it’s still my parents and they wished me luck on my midterm. Walking into the classroom I sat down, waiting for the test. Not 45 mins later I turn it back in, not wanting to beat myself up about the ones I was iffy on . It was relatively easy-ish, but he subtracts points for answers that are wrong. So if you said T when its F is -1pt instead of just 0--it really takes your grade down fast. You have to be sure about your answers. I leave and call my dad reassuring him I did decent. Once I get to the bottom of the hill I realize that I had ridden my bike to class. I turn around, walk back up the hill to get my bike and ride it back home.

I found someone's id on the ground today too. I looked him up and emailed him that I found it. He seemed really happy and said he would pick it up later. "Thanks so much" (He says as I pass him his card). That felt good.

Now I’m really tired and I still have genetics hw that I haven’t looked at. She’s so tricky too. Maybe I’ll nap and wake up later tonight. Until tomorrow,

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I didnt like my picture, but my eyes were so green (on building). The other is the morning fog

“Atama ga itai!” My head hurts!


"Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained during the struggle against overwhelming odds" --Orison Swett Mard

Monday, February 23, 2009


Im really tired today. Didnt feel like getting up for class, but I had too. On a good note I sent off the netbook! Sold it on ebay lastnight, didnt get all my money back of course because of their fees and such, but Im just happy to have some money in the bank.

I want to go back to bed; I dont feel too hott...but, I need to study for my computer programming midterm. I think I might just retake this class next quarter, but it still would be in my benefit to still take the midterms/final. My body aches.

My picture is from this morning when I woke up, cute look. And part of an old program I wrote.

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"Nemusugiru" Too tired..


"There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read."
Gilbert K. Chesterton

i hate tom.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It’s like a warzone here. Dark 24.7, Warm, Bodies strewn about, on the couch, the floor, flickering and hum of the tv down low--distant painful moans coming from rooms next door. Comfort items, blankets, slippers, socks all over the place...cursing, thudding of heavy feet, and...salt water gargling???... o.O

So. Basically everyone is sick in my apartment, and I’ve been trying to keep them away from me like a perfectly healthy person keeps away viral ridden zombies. (minus any chain saw, shotgun, nail gun, flamethrower, battering-ram buses, or any other zombie keeping away tactics people use)...but really though, my roommate and I seem to be the only two healthy people left, and I would LOVE to keep it that way. One of our roommates has mono and strep, the other--stomach aches, the third? just realllly sick...and she stole my pillow -_-. So pretty much my second pillow (practically my only one, since the one I’m using now has been condensed into nothing more than a handful of lumpy feathers), is covered in nasty, virally, coughy, crappy feeling no good sickness. "Don’t worry" she says, "I'm not sleeping directly on it. You should be fine when I give it back." haha yeah, That baby's going directly in the washer, by itself, for a good cleaning. Whenever I get it back that is.

Its funny how sometimes people get you to do things, give things, eat things, or be kind and 'lend things' that no one in their right mind would ever mean to do. I mean, would you willingly give the next carrier of the black lung your pillow, when she obviously has good ones of her own? Nah..but it happens, with those manipulative question/statements that have you lending before you even realize it.

a door opens, you look, startled, and out from the blackness walks a friend you once knew, grayed skin, lopsided hair, pajama pants stuffed into her socks. She emits a visible air of poison, destruction, and sickness coming from her room
"Hey Amanda *cough cough* do you have two pillows.?"
?? Uhh..kinda..Yeah, I guess...why??
"Oh good so I can *cough HACK* have one to prop myself with?"
No!?! Um..well...uhh..I..kinda..
"Goooood, *laughCoughHack* I’ll go grab it. *cough cough* Have it back to you by tomorrow"
Wai...?? AH!
and she escapes, grabbing your pillow and shutting her door before you can even utter a word of resistance..

*three days later* pillow, and still spraying my room with Lysol any chance I get. Getting out of bed is already hard enough as it is, I don’t want to add mono or some other crazy viral bad boy to the mix. Living on campus is so bad; too many people are over-stressed and under-rested, leaving them with crap immune systems and spreading sickness like crazy. Last year was bad enough, I ended up in the urgent care twice, and emergency room once in one weekend, all because I came down with....kidney infection, and that’s no joke...I almost had complete kidney failure, woke up with 106 temperature and went to the ER at 2am, shakes, chills, nausea, no fun and dropped classes. The lady at the urgent care said, "Oh, I thought you might have a kidney infection, why didn’t you come in earlier when you felt you were sick with a *I know, embarrassing* urinary tract infection?" Well, OBVsiously lady I didn’t know I had one until I woke up and couldn’t even walk. Needless to say, after that and being sick with a cold every other two weeks, I vowed to stay virtually healthy this year at school, which so far has been going pretty smoothly *knocks on wood*.

But anyways, so other than hiding all day in my room I tried to get out and use the pianos here to practice a new song, Mozart’s piano sonata no.11 in A major. I’m not usually into learning that many classical pieces, I generally opt for the more full-of-feeling pieces that are in shows like Hoshi no Koe, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, etc...But, when I was studying last week that piece came up on Pandora and it just sounds so fun I want to learn it. However, the piano rooms have been full all day (and the ones by where I live are really baaaad pianos, but it works when in need). Also, I haven’t taken formal lessons since 8th grade, so needless to say my skills are lacking, but if I find something I really like and I have the tune in my head I can generally figure it out on the piano.


I should make dinner soon, but I’m also out of it’ll probably end up being yakisoba tonight with only veggies. I’m already having tofu withdrawals, but I won’t get to the store until after spring break most likely. Oh, An Na just said she might take me to a party later tonight, hmmm, that could make for an interesting story tomorrow, seeing as I haven’t been out since my "friends" left me at a frat party 30 mins off campus the first week of school...but, goodnight all and good luck with everything that’s going on in your lives


"zonbito makurato byouki. OMAI~!" Zombies and pillows and sickness. Oh my!


"Hey. Nice shirt. Can I solve your puzzle?? *wink*" ~pizza guy

(lame attempt to pick me up)